Year 3 Classroom Equipment

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to politely make a reminder request, if you are able to, that you provide your children with their own stationery, namely a blue Bic biro, a pencil, and a 30cm ruler – preferably not the ‘bendy’ kind.

Obviously we will provide these if this is not possible, but it would really help if you could. Children seem to be getting through an enormous amount of said stationery at the moment!

Thank you once again, for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Egyptian Day Year 3

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a polite reminder to all Year 3 Parents and Carers that if you are able, we would appreciate a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the Year 3 Egyptian Day taking place next Tuesday, to ensure that this enjoyable event can take place. This contribution can be made via ParentPay.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Before School Reminder – Yr 6

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children do not regularly arrive at school before 08:30am.

Children are unsupervised before 08:45am and there have been a number of children arriving at school well before this time.

Following a number of incidents this week, the children have been reminded that they are not to stand on the driveway for their own safety as this is used by cars right up until 08:30am. The areas for standing are clearly indicated by cones and we ask that children remain within these areas at all times.

Thank you.


5M Lunch and Learn

It was a privilege to have so many parents and grandparents in class yesterday. Hopefully it was a valuable insight into some of the work we do and also how things run in 5M!

Children will be going home today with a handout showcasing some of the work we did and also the Y5/6 Spelling List that was explained.