Wow! well done!

Well done to the Year 3 children on tonight’s performance.  They were fantastic and what was very clear is how much they enjoyed it.  We are very proud of you.  Thank you to Miss Watson, Mr Butler, Mr Parker and all the staff who contributed to this performance.

Year 3 Spellings and Homework

Dear parents,

There will be no more homework or spelling / tables tests this term. However, please continue to read with your child and practice tables as, and when possible.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Christmas Play Costumes

Just a quick reminder to parents that Christmas Play costumes are due on Friday. Please see the highlighted letter that children have bought home as to what they will need. (Letter also attached)

If you would like to bring them in earlier we can store them.

If you are struggling with the costume, please discuss with your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

LCA Costume Letter 1 LCA Costume Letter


Chocolate Challenge!

Year 3 don’t forget about the Chocolate Challenge! We need you to donate as much chocolate as you can before Thursday so we can win the prize!

The class with the most chocolate by weight is the winner!

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and homework for Friday 7th December

Below is the link to this week’s spellings and homework. Children need to write spelling sentences this week. Please support your children with this task – to be completed in the orange homework book and handed in on or before Friday 7th December.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Week 13 to be tested 7.12.18


Games/Athletics 28/11/18 – Cancelled

It is with great regret I am going to have to cancel our final games club of the year  this Wednesday (28/11).  Due to personal reasons I will not be able to run the final session.

I would like to thanks all pupils who have participated in the club through all weathers and been extremely engaged. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have running it.

I look forward to seeing many of you join me for another club in the coming new year.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Class 3B Assembly 2.50pm Friday 23rd November

Dear Parents,

A big thank you to all parents who helped their children to get ready for Class 3B assembly tomorrow.

Class 3B Parents and carers are most welcome to attend the assembly, which is taking place in the school hall at 2:50pm prompt.  Please be seated by this time, so the assembly can finish in time for any parents who have to pick up younger siblings from the Infants school.

Please enter the school through the main reception gate, as the playground gate will be locked.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Butler

Class 3B Class Assembly costumes for Friday 23rd November

Dear Parents of Class 3B,

As I’m sure you’re aware, we are performing our class assembly on Friday 23rd November, at 2:50pm. Children may have mentioned a costume to you for their role in the assembly, but here is ‘official’ confirmation. Please don’t spend lots of time or money, as this isn’t necessary – the simpler, the better. Below is a list of roles, which the children should know. If you have any questions, please ask, or email me on

Narrator: no costume ( or if you want to, something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours)

4 Banner Children: Change, Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age- something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Child 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 :- something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Caveman: – caveman costume

Archaeologist: – smart trousers / shirt / tie / fake glasses.

Hunter Gatherer: something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Ice Age cast: something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Farmer 1 & 2: something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Villagers 1 & 2 : something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Swordsmen 1 & 2 : they could be dressed as Celts i.e. spikey hair, tattoos, heavy jewellery – plus swords – or if not possible, something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Stone Worker 1 and 2: something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

Druid: a dark brown or grey sheet if possible (this may require holes to be cut into it)

Ice Age characters: something brown/grey/beige- stone age colours

These characters require paper printed-out masks with eyeholes – I can back these onto card.

  • Scrat :– sabre-toothed squirrel mask with eyeholes
  • Manny :– woolly mammoth mask with eyeholes
  • Sid: – sloth mask with eyeholes
  • Diego :– saber-toothed cat mask with eyeholes
  • Crash: opossum mask mask with eyeholes

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler.