Year 5 Home Learning – 26/01/21

Year 5 Home Learning – 26/01/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Tuesday 26.01.21.

Home learning Overview: Home learning overview 26.01.21

English:    English 26.01.21 support sheet 1 star    &       English 26.01.21

Maths:    Maths Skills 26.01.21 word problems

Reading:    Reading 26.01.21

Foundation:     Content given in live lesson

Tomorrows Teams; Foundation; Science

9-10am – 5M

10-11am – 5H

11-12pm – 5L

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Year 5 Home Learning – 25/01/21

Year 5 Home Learning – 25/01/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Monday 25.01.21.

Home learning Overview  Home learning overview 25.01.21

English:   English 25.01.21

Maths:    Maths Skills 25.01.21 Multiply and divide methods

Reading:    Reading – Alien Isle Chapter 3   &    Reading 25.01.21 1 star   &     Reading 25.01.21 2 and 3 star

Foundation:      Art 25.01.21 Slides     &       Art 25.01.21 Work

Tomorrows Teams; Maths

9-10am -5L

10-11am – 5H

11-12pm – 5M

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L


NJS Big Sing Moana Workshop

Good afternoon everyone,

Here is this week’s virtual singing workshop. This is the first song of this year’s Big Sing and one that lots of you love – Moana! Here is the link to the unlisted Youtube workshop made especially for the Big Sing by TACT.

I would love to hear how you get on taking part in the workshop!

Have a lovely weekend and keep an eye out next week for the next song workshop…

Miss Hardy

Youtube link:

Big Sing 2021 Workshop 1 (How Far I’ll Go)

Year 5 wellbeing activities

Good afternoon Year 5,

As we all know, looking after our mental health and wellbeing is the most important thing to do, especially at the moment. Here are some extra activities to support your wellbeing. Why not try to choose a different one each week?

We would love to see or hear about any that you do.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love from the Year 5 team xxWELLBEING MENU Year 5

Year 5 Home Learning – 20/01/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Wednesday 20.01.21.

Tomorrows Teams Maths; Fractions with Mr Lawson

9-10am – 5L

10 – 11am – 5H

11-12pm – 5M

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Overview:  Home learning overview

Maths:   Maths- Fractions of flags –live- 20.01.21        &     Maths- plenary activity to print (not essential)

English/Foundation: English and Foundation 20.01.2120.01.21

Reading:  Reading 20.01.21