Just a reminder that there is no mindfulness club tomorrow because I will be at the cross country event. This message is also on the newsletter, website and children have been reminded in assemblies. Thank you, Miss H x


Tomorrow’s cross country race is in Telford Town Park. Like last week, the first race is at 4.30pm.

Children will be released from class at 3 o’clock and can be collected from the school office once they have got changed.

Like last week, when you arrive at the town park, look for the NJS flag. Myself and Miss Payne will be there as soon as we are able to leave school, and Mr L and Mr M will follow once they get back from the Year 4 residential.

Please remember warm layers, a snack and a drink.

Miss H

Yr6 spellings due 27th March

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Y6 Maths Club

Just a reminder for parents that Mr Jones’ Maths Club will be on tomorrow. It runs from 3.30 – 4.15 and children should be collected from 6J’s outside door (by the main reception.) Children are encouraged to bring a drink and enjoyable snack to the session.


Y6 SATs Workshop

Thank you to all the parents who came along last night to the SATs Workshop.

For anyone who couldn’t make it the slides and information shared can be found on the PowerPoint.

If anyone has further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Year 6 team.

sat workshop 2019

Year 6 Mosque Visit

Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Telford Central Mosque today. We are very grateful to the Imam and Mr Maqsood for helping arrange the visit. The children were fantastic and learned an awful lot during their time there. Revered Merry also attended the visit and it was great to show the understanding of both faiths to the children. 

Here a few quotes that the children gave about their visit:

“It was really fun to learn about another religion and visit their place of worship…”

“I thought it was really informative and I learned lots of new things…”

“My favorite part was learning some Arabic words…”

“It was fun to get to see their prayer mats and listen to the talk about how important the pillars are in Islam…”