Year 3 Spellings to be tested 3.5.19 and Homework for 10.5.19

Dear Parents,

Please see spelling list attached below.

Year 3 Spelling week 13 to be tested 3.5.19

Homework for Year 3.

Learn spellings and continue use of TTRS at least 3 to 5x weekly.

Try to read every day at home over the holidays, a book a comic, a newspaper, etc, but not less than 3 times per week with an adult listening to you. Remember to fill in your reading diary, so you earn house points for your team.

Holiday Homework:

Children will need to make a poster about Birmingham City, and this forms their homework for the next four weeks. Try to include details like basic facts (population, size, etc.), buildings and landmarks, points of interest, reasons to go there, weather and climate, activities to do etc. You can add drawn (preferably) and coloured pictures or printed pictures to your poster. Please try to make it at least A4 in paper size and of presentation standard quality, for display on the wall.  This will support our topic work on Towns and Cities for next term.  The homework is due in on, or before Friday 10th May.

Thank you for your support.


The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Swimming tomorrow 9.4.19

Dear Parents,

Please ensure your child has their swimming kit tomorrow, with a swimming cap, so they can enjoy our newly refurbished pool!


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Swimming on Tuesday and PE kits for Thursday

Dear Parents,

All children will need their swimming kits on Tuesday 9th April next week, along with a swimming cap, to wear in the newly refurbished pool. We are very excited about this ‘new’ facility!

Also, children who are remaining behind in school next Thursday will need their PE kits on that day.

Thank you


The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Roman Day on Monday 8th April

Dear Parents,

Roman Day Letter History man

As per the letter, children need to remember their Roman costumes for Monday, plus any outstanding permission slips. They do not need to bring their school bags for this day. However, please remember packed lunches if needed!

We will be sending their shields home on Monday. Their Roman shields look absolutely brilliant! Thank you for all your efforts in getting the children to prepare and make these. We have received lots of positive feedback about the shield project overall.


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings

Dear Parents,

There are no spellings for next Friday, due to the Pioneer Centre trip.

Children will receive their weekly spellings to be tested during the first week back after Easter next week.

They will also receive their homework for the next Four weeks, which will be due on 10.5.19.


The Year 3 Team.


Year 3 letters home today

Dear Parents,

Today your child will have received a letter about the swimming galas taking place next term. Please look for this in their bags.

Children who are attending the Pioneer Centre next week also brought home a kit list and final travel arrangements letter. Please read this carefully. If you have any questions, please approach one of us.

Many thanks,

The Year 3 Team.


Tomorrow’s cross country race is in Telford Town Park. Like last week, the first race is at 4.30pm.

Children will be released from class at 3 o’clock and can be collected from the school office once they have got changed.

Like last week, when you arrive at the town park, look for the NJS flag. Myself and Miss Payne will be there as soon as we are able to leave school, and Mr L and Mr M will follow once they get back from the Year 4 residential.

Please remember warm layers, a snack and a drink.

Miss H

Year 3 Roman Day Monday 8th April

Dear parents,

Roman Day Letter History man

Children in all Year 3 classes should have brought home a letter by now about Roman Day on Monday 8th April.

Please find attached the letter for this. The cost of the day will be £4.50 per child. Please return the permission slip and any voluntary contribution to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.

We are hoping the children will enter into the spirit of the day and dress in Roman costume (the simplest being a white single sheet pinned, to look like a toga – see Google for how to do this at very low or no cost).

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team