Year 5 home learning Tuesday 30th June 2020

Tuesday 30th June

Hello year fives,

Here is your home learning for today. Maths is a continuation of yesterday’s and there is another activity about conversions. For English you are going to plan your rainforest story. Then there are also some questions and activities about the chapter of Ghost Tower you read yesterday.

Enjoy! Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L xxx

Year 5 home learning Monday 29th June

Monday 29th June


Good morning Year Five!

Here is your home learning for today. You have got the usual style of maths activities for you to have a go at. For English this week, you are going to be writing your own rainforest story! Today’s activity is creating your own character. Also attached today is the final chapter of Ghost Tower. How exciting!

We hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend. We still miss you lots and are pleased to see photos of what you’ve been doing and any work you send us! Here are our emails as a reminder:

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L xxx

Year 5 home learning Friday 26th June

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Friday 26th June

Year 5 home learning Thursday 25th June

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Thursday 25th June

Year 5 home learning Tuesday 23rd June Day 51

Tuesday 23rd June


Hi year five,

We hope you are all well and smiling today!

Here is your home learning for today. You have yesterday’s maths questions to finish plus a maths word search, another story to listen to for English, and some activities based on chapter 4 of Ghost Tower. Enjoy!

Remember, as always, you can send your teacher any of your work. Here are our email addresses:


Mr M, Mr L and Miss H xxx