Hello Year 4!

Hi Year 4,

We hope you are all well and staying safe at home and having fun too. Please watch my video to get some ideas for this week’s work and at the end of the week, feel free to e-mail me any photographs or pictures of your work. My e-mail address is nataliejukes@taw.org.uk

Thank you and kindest regards Mrs Jukes πŸ™‚


Year 4 Home Learning Task for Monday 27th April

Hi Year 4,

Β Here is you home learning task for today. The year 4 team hope you are all well and having fun at home. We hope you enjoy today’s learning. Remember you can take photographs of your work and e-mail them to me at the end of the week.

My e-mail address is natalie.jukes@taw.org.uk

Home Learning Monday 27th April

Year 4 English work for Friday 27th March

Many apologies to all the parents who couldn’t download the document from PowerPoint. I checked it yesterday and it was working fine. It could be that the document is too large. Hopefully, now you can access it. Kind regards Mrs Jukes πŸ™‚

Friday 1 Star reading

Friday 1 Star questions

Friday 1 Star answers

Friday 2 3 Star reading

Friday 2 3 Star questions

Friday 2 3 Star answers