Home Learning – Wednesday

Hello Year 4!

Please keep your e-mails coming… we are loving the work you are doing from home so far! I know we all enjoyed our time on teams today; it was so lovely to see so many smiling faces – we are looking forward to the next one already!

Please find Wednesday’s home learning below…

Week 1 – Wednesday PDF

Week 1 – Wednesday

Guided Reading Resources…

7 Wonders of the World – Posters

Guided Reading Activity – Fan Book Templates

We hope you are all keeping safe and smiling! Enjoy!

The Year 4 Team



Year 4’s Happy Book

Hello all year 4 children!

How are you all? We hope you are all keeping well and are enjoying learning from home. Over the next couple of week’s as an extra curricular activity, we would like you to create a ‘Happy Book,’ full of your very own happy memories and thoughts. Feel free to use the template provided and add your own pictures by drawing or creating your own on PowerPoint. Please feel free to e-mail them to myself or your own teachers and we can display them when we go back to school.

Stay happy year 4 🙂

Happy book

Happy book

Home Learning – Tuesday

Good afternoon Year 4!

First of all, I wanted to say how proud I am of the work I have received today. You have all taken this in your stride and should be very proud of yourself. We look forward to seeing the rest of your work!

Below you will find the slides for tomorrow as powerpoint and PDF. You will also find some research for the guided reading task. You could still complete your own should you wish!

We look forward to hearing from your tomorrow and hopefully seeing you on teams.

As always, send us an e-mail with work or any messages you wish to pass on.

Stay safe,

The Year 4 Team

Week 1 – Tuesday PDF

Week 1 – Tuesday

Guided Reading Fact Sheet


Year 4 Update

Dear Year 4 Parents and carers,

We are thinking of you and your Year 4 children at this time: it feels very strange this morning for us as we are sure it does for you. Please let them know we miss them and can’t wait to see them soon.


Please remember that your Year 4 child cannot leave the family home until Friday 20th November.   Please reassure them that they are ‘heroes’ for doing this and for reducing transmission in our community.

Should your child develop symptoms then please book a test, isolate the household, let us know and notify us as soon as you receive the result.


Just some information about what you can expect from us over the coming days:


*Each evening ready for the next day you will receive an email, generated from the website, with home learning resources for the next day. This will generally be a reading activity, maths, writing and an other subject area.  If you do not receive the email please don’t worry, it can be found on the Year 4 page on our website.

We appreciate it is very ‘tricky’ getting children to work at home but we will be keeping the curriculum moving and the more the children can engage with this offer the better.

As always our priority as a school is keeping the children happy and we will also be sending resources to help with this. We suggest a daily timetable might help your child so they understand ‘work time’ and ‘leisure’ time within their routine.


*Each day you will also receive a ParentMail message ahead of the next day. This will contain an invitation to an online meeting on Microsoft Teams the next day with your child’s class.  The main focus of these sessions will be wellbeing and maintaining a sense of belonging with the class. Teachers may deliver some teaching points but they may also play games and lead other activities. The times will vary from day to day depending on who is leading the sessions but full details will be included in the ParentMail.

You will need the Microsoft Teams App on your device, this is free. When you receive the invite you will then simply need to click on the invite to access the meeting. (I appreciate we may have teething problems, please email me nicola.moody@taw.org.uk and I will do my very best to help if I can).

Please talk to your child about appropriate behaviours during these sessions: not shouting out, muting themselves unless speaking and considering an appropriate background.


*You are welcome to have email dialogue with your child’s class teacher. Class teachers will only respond between 9am and 4pm. You may wish to email in work for feedback or to ask questions both of which are fine. (If you/your child would like feedback on work it can be saved electronically and emailed in or take a photo and send this in).

Email addresses are:






*If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals you will receive a supermarket gift card in the post to support you during this isolation period. If you have not received this by Thursday please email me to let me know. If you feel you require further support please do ask.


Please be mindful that school staff are also having to isolate and they need to look after their health and wellbeing like you and your children. They are working very hard behind the scenes to organise this provision and I hope you feel able to support them. If you do have queries please do politely contact us and we will do our best to help.


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Best wishes

Mrs Moody

Self Isolation Tips/Activity Ideas

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a good weekend with your families. I have come across this website which has some lovely ideas of how to keep your mind healthy during Self Isolation.

Here is the website link: https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/

Maybe we could share some of our favourites tomorrow in our TEAMS meetings with our class.

Take Care

Love Mrs Kuczynska

Year 4: URGENT reminder

Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,

We absolutely understand, like ourselves, feelings of frustration around the message of the need to self isolate that we gave to you on Saturday.  It is difficult for families and of course the children.  However, it is essential that Year 4 children remain in the family home until Friday 20th November when they return to school: this means they cannot leave the home for any reason including for a walk, for shopping or to take a sibling to school.

It is important we all do the right thing to reduce transmission in our community and I appreciate your support with this.

We are thinking of you all.

Mrs M

Year 4 Update

Thank you all for your support yesterday when you received your phone calls; we really do appreciate it, it makes a difference to us.

Our very best wishes go to our staff member and to everyone in the bubble that they remain well.

All other household members can continue to attend for work/school/college etc. It is the Year 4 children who need to remain at home.  Hopefully everything was explained in the letter you received yesterday but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you did NOT receive a ParentMail from me yesterday please can you make me aware by emailing nicola.moody@taw.org.uk with the email address you wish to use on ParentMail.

The team are issuing home learning this evening for tomorrow.

We will be in touch tomorrow with further information about our remote learning offer during this period.  We will be offering some sessions for your child on Microsoft Teams: you may want to download the free App ready!  If access to a laptop/ipad/device is going to be an issue for this period please can you drop me an email to let me know.

Thank you as always for your support, stay safe.

Home Learning – Monday

Hello Year 4!

Please find attached all the home learning for Monday (09.11.20). I have added both formats with powerpoint or PDF so some items are duplicated. Please use the format you feel is best.

Week 1 – Monday PDF

Week 1 – Monday

Below are extra resources for some of the lessons:

Place Value Chart – Maths

Peace Lily Story PDF

As mentioned on the slides, we will be available between 9am and 4pm through our e-mails. Please feel free to send any work to the e-mail addresses below.

Stay safe and take care,

The Year 4 team!






Back to School Blues!

The children who come to NJS are amazing! They have shown that they are resilient and can adapt to different situations. There are some who do need some extra support and there are those who have anxieties returning to school after breaks. Please use the link to access helpful information to put measures in place before Monday morning arrives.

Positive Young Minds

As always we are looking forward to seeing the children for another half term!