Y5 (& Fleur!) Girls Cricket


We had a great day today at St. George’s Cricket Club playing in the Telford and Wrekin Y5/6 Girls Cricket Competition.

The girls entered as Y4 last year and we found it very difficult losing every game and coming last. This year, we won 4/5 group games progressing to the Bronze Medal Match. Unfortunately we lost to a strong Sir Alexander Fleming side but I was so proud of the girls and seeing their improvement.

Wonder how we will get on next year with another year’s development?



Alton Towers

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers tomorrow! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap/
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you

Year 6 residential

A reminder for all those going on the Year 6 residential to London please can you return the emergency contact form and medical information if you have not already done so.  Many thanks

5M Reminders

Monday – Y5 Swimming

Tuesday – Y5 Girls Cricket Tournament for some of the girls (& Lillie, Jorgie and Imogen) in the class with me at St. George’s CC. Ms Branton will be teaching 5M.

Thursday – Yellow/Green Swimming Gala with Mrs Yates and myself.

Red/Blue children in school with Mrs Jukes and Ms Branton.

Friday – Mufti Day and Last Day of Half Term. Please bring a £1 for a Glockenspiel Fund ready for new music equipment in September.

Yr3 Residential

Yr 3. Residential
As the weather is fab at the moment please can I advise that the children wear shorts underneath their long trousers – which they will need to wear for the activities – however at times they can slip them off to reveal shorts!
Also footwear – unless we have any rain between now and the morning, old trainers for the walk to Edgmond Hall, will be fine, you can leave wellies at home!!
Please don’t forget the sun cream, caps and water bottles!!!