5M Weekly Reminders

Glad to be back tomorrow and get back to it!

Monday – Swimming AM

Tuesday – Cross Country for some children from 10am with Mr Lawson.

Wednesday – Mr Marsh PPA – Ms Branton

Thursday – Chester Zoo Trip – I am mega excited for this!

Friday – Outdoor P.E. (Cricket)

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 17th April.

  1. Complete the measurement SATs test which has been set on www.maths.co.uk (Children already have their log in information in order to access this)
  2. Complete the SPaG sheet which contains questions from many areas of the SPaG curriculum. Wk 1 spag

We ask that all children, unless prior agreed by the teacher, complete this homework. The maths test gives us information on gaps in learning that we use to help best prepare the children for their upcoming SATs.


What a wonderful week Team Arthog have had, they have certainly made memories for life. We are very proud of the children for the support they have given each other and the courage they have used to approach new challenges.

Huge thanks to all of the team who work at the Arthog centre; they are skilled and enthusiastic in their roles and work hard to ensure the children are safe.

Enormous thanks to the NJS team who went to Arthog 2024! They volunteered time away from their families to support this visit and to give NJS children great opportunity.

Thank you to parents and carers for supporting the children and NJS with this visit.

They are nearly home! Due back at school at 345

Please can we ask those collecting children that you do not park on Avenue Road so we can keep it clear for the buses.

We hope your children have a lovely weekend with you sharing their adventures. Good luck with the washing!

3PW reminders WC 15.04.24

Monday: Mrs Pearson all day. Special assembly from the Gurdwara.

Tuesday: Mrs Pearson all day. Cross country event for those children signed up. Library time.

Wednesday: Mrs Pearson all day. Indoor PE.

Thursday: Mrs Wheat all day. Celebration assembly.

Friday: Mrs Wheat all day. Outdoor PE.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx