Yr 6 Sports Day Reminder

Please can we remind children to come to school in Sports Day kit tomorrow. This should be a plain t shirt in the colour of your house team.

We also advise bringing sun cream, a sun hat and plenty of water.

Parents are welcome to bring their own chairs to sit on.

We are really looking forward to putting on the children’s last ever sports day at NJS!

Yr 6 Tie Dye T Shirts Needed

As part of the Yr 6 DT curriculum, children have the opportunity to create their very own tie dye t shirt. This is always a very popular day and children are normally thrilled with the results.

In order for this to take place, we ask that every child brings in a plain white t shirt that they can use for the dye. A plain crew neck t shirt (as they would use for PE) tends to be the best option.

The children will then complete the knotting process, and select their dye colours during school. We are really looking forward to this and hope it is another memory that the children can take with them from their time at NJS!

We ask that these t shirts are brought in by the end of the week if possible, and weather dependent we are hoping to complete these by the middle of next week. Thank you.

Year 3 Beeches Base Dates Summer 2

Dear Parents and Carers,

These are the remaining dates for Year 3 Beeches Base afternoons for Summer 2:

  • 3B – 3rd July 
  • 3L – 10th July 

As usual children will need to wear weather appropriate clothing that can get muddy and muddy wellies or boots in a bag for their afternoon. Sun cream/hat or rain coat and layers as appropriate to the weather.

if you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher.

Many thanks for your support and understanding,

The Year 3 Team

Wednesday 26th June – Cricket for Year 3

Please can all parents and carers ensure that children have their PE kits in school tomorrow. We have an exciting Cricket lesson to support our PE curriculum with an external leader!

Please also ensure children bring hats, water bottles and have sun cream applied before they come to school.

Can’t wait to share an exciting Cricket lesson tomorrow!

This Weeks Weather!

Please can we advise ALL children, this week, to come into school with sun hats/caps, a water bottle, applied sun cream and a small bottle of sun cream to apply later – please note they have to do this themselves. On their Sports Days please send your child with an extra bottle and remember your child can attend Sports Day wearing their Sports Day kit!
Year 4 – Tuesday; Year 5 – Wednesday; Year 6 – Thursday (am)

Website Letter

Some children will have come home with a letter asking if your child would like to be photographed for the website on Wednesday.

This is optional!  If your child would rather not I completely understand.

They would need smart uniform for the morning.  Year 5 sports day clashes with this so if your child wants to take part they can come in uniform and then change as soon as photos are done.

Any queries drop me an email!

Thank you.

Mrs M