Year 3 RSE lessons Wednesday 12th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday 12th July, Year 3 will be completing their Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons throughout the day.
This message is to make you aware, following an earlier message from Mr Rotherham, which outlined the Year 3 curriculum for RSE.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.


Class 3B Beech’s Base – Monday 10th July – pm only

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that children should come dressed for Beech’s Base tomorrow. They will be taking part in the afternoon only. Long sleeves / long bottoms essential – forecast is currently for rain, so come prepared with rain gear!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Beech’s Base

Parents/Guardians of 3B and 3T

Next week (w/b 10/7) Beech’s Base:

Monday 10/7: 3B

Tuesday 11/7: 3T

Children are to attend school in their Beech’s base clothing.

Thankyou for your continued support.

3T Aspirations week

For the school fair, 3T have been making coasters. Throughout the process, we have explored different designs, completed market research by asking each class at NJS their design preferences and they even had to present their ideas in a Dragon’s Den styled pitch in front of the daunting dragons of Mr Tipton, Ms Crompton and Miss Lockwood.

As a class the children and I have decided on the following prices:

NJS logo coaster: £1.50

Animal or Food and Drink design coaster: £1

NJS and an Animal/Food and drink coaster: £2


In preparation for an assembly the Guardians of Safety will be hosting on Monday (26.06.23), we are asking for your help! Transition day for some children is a worrying time and the Guardians decided something that would help would be knowing a little about the teacher before hand. With this in mind, we asked all the teachers for 3 facts about them! In assembly, the GOS will be asking the children who they think said what!

In the assembly, the GOS will be sharing some tips on how to manage change and think positively! We hope that this helps children as we prepare for transition day on Wednesday 28th June.

Have a look as a family and see if you can figure out which facts belong to which teacher… all will be revealed on Monday! 

Guess Who! NJS PDF