Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park visit on Monday 21st October

Dear Parents,

Hopefully, children and yourselves are aware of what is required for this exciting visit now, but just in case, here’s a recap!

All children need to come to school already dressed to go to the deer park. They will have lunch at school as usual, with whatever they do on a Monday normally (packed lunch or hot dinner), so no special arrangements are needed for this.

If the children are going in the morning, they may need a change of clothes to change into for their afternoon at school, especially if the weather is wet. Please ensure they have this with them, just in case they are soaked and need a change.

Children who are going in the afternoon will be going home soon after they arrive back, so no spare clothes are necessary (this is different from the original letter, which stated that all children would need a change of clothes). Class 3B children have had a letter explaining who is in group 1 and who is in group 2.

Class 3W and group 1 from 3B are going in the morning. (Spare clothes needed just in case of rain)

Class 3P and group 2 from 3B are going in the afternoon.(No spare clothes needed)

Hopefully, this is clear. Please ensure your children arrive promptly on Monday, particularly 3W and group 1 from 3B as we will need to be leaving at 9am sharp, to ensure arrival at the park by 9:30am.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Times Table Rock Stars – Battle of the Bands!

Image result for times table rock stars

The new battle of the bands is set to commence on Saturday 19th October at 12pm and will run through to completion on Thursday 24th October at 12pm with the results being announced in celebration assembly. The battle are shown below.

Boys in Year 3 v Girls in Year 3

Boys in Year 4 v Girls in Year 4

Boys in Year 5 v Girls in Year 5

Boys in Year 6 v Girls in Year 6.

Best of luck – get rocking!!

Class 3B Assembly Thursday 24th October 2:50pm

Dear Parents and Carers of Class 3B,

Class 3B and Mr Butler would like to invite parents and carers of children in Class 3B to watch their Class Assembly performance on Thursday 24th October, starting at about 2:50pm. The performance will start promptly, so please be seated before then.

Children in 3B should have brought home their assembly script today. Please help them to rehearse their lines over the weekend.

Some children have also been asked to supply costumes / masks if possible. Those children have been made aware of this already. Please ask Mr Butler is you need any clarification about this. Please don’t worry if this is problematic – we can sort it out at school over the next few days.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler


Year 3 Spellings and Homework for 25.10.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 25.10.19

Children should continue to read at home and fill in their diary. They need to practice their 3x, 4x and 5x tables, and spellings, for a test on Friday 25th October (3B will be tested on Thursday, as usual).

This week, we would like children to think about their ‘Spiritual Self’, as part of their work in Beliefs and Values. We would like the children to design a poster that reflects things about their personality and themselves generally. We are calling this their ‘spiritual self’. They can include their likes and dislikes and things that ‘represent’ them. We will instruct the children at school so they should know what to do. Children will have a poster template sheet to complete. This is NOT to be stuck in their homework books please. (3B have accidentally stuck theirs in to their books! No problem – Mr B will sort this out. Please complete the work on the sheet stuck in – thank you).

Work should be completed by next Friday please (3B – Thursday).


Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 18.10.19

Dear Parents

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 18.10.19

Please read at home at least three times with your child and fill in their reading record book. Children need to practice their 5x tables for a TTRS test at the end of next week.

Maths homework this week is to complete the number bond work, which will be stuck in your child’s homework books.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and Hwk to be completed by 11.10.19

Dear parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 11.10.19

As usual, children need to aim to read every day (minimum 3x weekly) and fill in their reading diaries.

Extra reading = extra house points! Please help your child to learn their x2, x3, x5, and x10 tables. Children will be tested on these regularly. Can they count up in twos, threes, fives and tens? Can they say all of these tables aloud?

Minute Maths homework this week is to try to complete the Minute Maths number bond tests, to develop basic number fluency. Give your child 1 minute per column – if they don’t finish, put a line where they get up to in 1 minute, then support them to complete the calculations.  Can they reduce their time taken over the four tests?

Please mark your child’s answers. Thank you.

HOMEWORK TO BE COMPLETED BY 11.10.18 please (10.10.19 for class 3B)

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Times Tables Rock Stars

Dear Parents,

Please find a letter with your child’s logon details in their bags by the end of Friday. Children should also have their logon details stuck in one of their home books.

Please assist them to logon over the weekend.


The Year 3 Team

Class 3B Newport Library trip tomorrow

Dear Parents of 3B children,

Just a quick reminder that Class 3B will be visiting Newport Library tomorrow afternoon with Mrs Humphries and several other staff, arriving back at school by 3pm. If your child has a library card, please send them in with it tomorrow.


Mr Butler