Year 3 Birmingham trip 17.6.19 9am-4:30pm

Dear Parents,

Just a gentle reminder that permission reply slips are now overdue. We still have well over 10 children per class who have yet to reply to their letters.

Please ensure that you return your reply slips, along with any further voluntary contributions as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Chetwynd trip on Monday 10th June 9am-3.30pm

Dear Parents,

Chetwynd Deer Park

Just a reminder that by now, all children should have returned their reply slips and informed class teachers how they intend to get to and from the Deer Park – either walking with the teachers, or being driven there and back by parents.

Children should come dressed for the occasion – rain showers are forecast currently, but this may change, so please keep an eye on the weather. At the very least, children MUST bring a raincoat, just in case. Children may wear their own clothes for the day, plus a pair of sturdy walking boots/walking trainers / wellies – something that is comfortable and weatherproof, ideally.

Children should provide their own packed lunch and drink, unless already organised with the school kitchen. Please supply screw top plastic bottles or own bottles for drinks – no cartons/cans please).

Please ensure that your child is able to carry their belongings / lunch etc in a small rucksack or bag.

Children will be back for 3:30pm and can be collected in the usual way.


The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Tuesday 4th June Swimming cancelled

Dear parents,

Unfortunately, year 3 swimming is cancelled for Tuesday 4th June, due to technical issues with the chlorine levels. We hope to have this resolved soon.

Year 3 will still be swimming on Thursday 6th, in their practice gala at Newport swimming pool.


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 homework and spellings to be tested 24.5.19

Dear Parents,

Children need to learn spellings and 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x tables. This will be the focus for Times Tables Rockstars. Some children are still not accessing the TTRS website regularly to practice. Please ensure that you allow 5-10mins per day, as we are seeing big gains with children who DO practice. Try to read at least three times at home this week and fill in your reading diary. Homework is to complete the worksheet on telling the time. Please support your child with this.

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 24.5.19

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 spellings to be tested 17.5.19 and homework

Dear Parents,

Year 3 homework to be completed by 17.5.19

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 17.5.19

Homework this week is to learn the next ten words from the Year 3 National spelling list. Continue to read at home and please fill in your reading diary.

We have now completed most of the times tables, so next week’s TTRS tests will be on the 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10x tables. PLEASE encourage your child to practice on TTRS – we have some children in year 3 who have not engaged with the program since March!! This will obviously not help them to progress. Other children have had remarkable success, with repeated drill and practice – please help your children to learn this important life skill.

Homework this week is to complete the “Where / wear / we’re” sheet, which should be in your child’s homework book.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team.


Class 3B PE kit reminder Friday 3rd May

Dear Parents,

Just a quick reminder that children need to bring their PE kits tomorrow (Friday 3rd May)

Thank you,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 10.5.19

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the Year 3 spellings, to be tested on 10.5.19. Children need to continue to use Times Tables Rock Stars, and develop accuracy and frequency of play.

Week 2 spellings Year 3 to be tested 10.5.19

Also, please encourage your child to complete their homework about Birmingham city, which was issued before the Easter holidays (see below) for 10.5.19 or earlier.

“Children will need to make a poster about Birmingham City, and this forms their homework for the next four weeks. Try to include details like basic facts (population, size, etc.), buildings and landmarks, points of interest, reasons to go there, weather and climate, activities to do etc. You can add drawn (preferably) and coloured pictures or printed pictures to your poster. Please try to make it at least A4 in paper size and of presentation standard quality, for display on the wall.  This will support our topic work on Towns and Cities for next term.  The homework is due in on, or before Friday 10th May.”

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 ‘Remainers’ PE kit reminder for 11.4.19

Dear Parents,

If your child is not going to the Pioneer Centre, please remember to send them with their PE kits tomorrow.

Thank you.


The Year 3 Team.