Warrior Wednesday!

Hello again year 4!

Please find the yoga poses which we spoke about in your online lesson today!


Miss Jones x

Home Learning – 20.01.21

Happy Wednesday Year 4! Mrs Jukes likes to call Wednesday… Virtual Friday!

We hope you are having a lovely week and enjoying your home learning. We cannot wait to see your myths and see what you have created.

As always, send anything across to your teacher or njs.year4@taw.org.uk and we will see you on TEAMS!

Wednesday 20th January PDF

Wednesday 20th January

Enjoy the day!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

A new NJS art challenge

Hello children,

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your home learning. I would like to share a new art challenge with you all. This week, I would like us to focus on Shadow Art. Using a torch or a living room light, lamp or even a torch from a mobile phone. Find a dark place in your home, choose your favourite object. Place it on some plain A4 paper and have a go at creating your very own pieces of art by tracing around the shadow.

Please see the pictures below for some ideas.

Have fun and enjoy 🙂 Mrs Jukes

Shadow Art Task

Shadow Art Task

Year 4 – Yoga!

At the end of the sessions we have set you a yoga challenge… please find the challenges below!

Have fun everyone!

Miss J 🙂

Home Learning – 19.01.21

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Keep up the fantastic work that you are doing at home – we are so proud of you all! Remember to e-mail your teacher or njs.year@taw.org.uk – we love seeing your work!

Enjoy your home learning for today and we will see you on TEAMS!

Tuesday 19th January PDF

Tuesday 19th January

Mindfulness colouring sheets

Have a lovely day year 4, keep smiling!

The Year 4 Team x

Home Learning – 18.01.21

Happy Monday Year 4!

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and found a way to re-charge those batteries following your TEAMS session on Friday.

Please find your home learning for today below… As always, please send any work to your class teacher or njs.year@taw.org.uk

Monday 18th January PDF

Monday 18th January

Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x