Home Learning – 21.01.21

Good morning year 4,

What a week we have had so far? We are looking forward to welcoming back the key worker bubble tomorrow! We also look forward to our daily TEAMs sessions, I wonder what we will get up to today?

Keep up the great work with your home learning and enjoy finishing your myth today!

Thursday 21st January PDF

Thursday 21st January

The following links will support with the ‘Other’ task for today!

Florence Nightingale

Harriet Tubman power point

Greta Thunberg Information – You will only need to use the first 2 pages of this document.

Have a lovely day year 4!

The Year 4 Team x

Home Learning – 20.01.21

Happy Wednesday Year 4! Mrs Jukes likes to call Wednesday… Virtual Friday!

We hope you are having a lovely week and enjoying your home learning. We cannot wait to see your myths and see what you have created.

As always, send anything across to your teacher or njs.year4@taw.org.uk and we will see you on TEAMS!

Wednesday 20th January PDF

Wednesday 20th January

Enjoy the day!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Home Learning – 19.01.21

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Keep up the fantastic work that you are doing at home – we are so proud of you all! Remember to e-mail your teacher or njs.year@taw.org.uk – we love seeing your work!

Enjoy your home learning for today and we will see you on TEAMS!

Tuesday 19th January PDF

Tuesday 19th January

Mindfulness colouring sheets

Have a lovely day year 4, keep smiling!

The Year 4 Team x

Home Learning – 18.01.21

Happy Monday Year 4!

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and found a way to re-charge those batteries following your TEAMS session on Friday.

Please find your home learning for today below… As always, please send any work to your class teacher or njs.year@taw.org.uk

Monday 18th January PDF

Monday 18th January

Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Home Learning – 15.01.21

Happy Friday everyone!

Well done for making it to the end of the first full week of remote learning! We are proud of each and everyone of you – keep up the fantastic work. Only one more day of home learning to get through before the weekend.

We can’t wait to see you on TEAMs for our next lesson.

Friday 15th January PDF

Friday 15th January

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x