Home Learning 12.01.21

Hello Y6!

Your online lesson is Literacy today. The order for classes is 6K at 9am, 6J at 10am and 6S at 11am.
Lesson 5 12.01.21

Maths wk 2 maths day 2

Reading is the follow up task for the reading video
Lost Diaries lesson 1 questions and task
You may need to have video to hand to support answering questions.

History lesson 2 lesson2 Battle of Bosworth

Wellbeing for today is ‘Thoughtful Tuesday’ Try to find some down time to be mindful and consider how you feel Thoughtful-Tuesday-1

Have a good day everyone!
Remember to send your work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

Home Learning 11.01.21

Hello Y6 I hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend!

Learning this week is as follows:

Literacy – continuing with skills learned from last week Lesson 4 11.01.21

Reading – an introduction to the Y6 book – watch the link

Reading tasks will be set using the video so please let us know if you are having problems accessing the clip!

Science is the online lesson
lesson1 What do I already know about light

6J at 9am
6S at 10am
6K at 11am

Try to be on time for online lessons and start on mute please.

Maths is revising adding and subtracting fractions
Wk 2 Maths day 1

As reading is quite brief today, I would like you to focus on wellbeing. Look at how to remain calm and mindful but complete the Mighty Monday challenge.
Wellbeing and mindfulness support at home for week

I hope you have a great week!
Remember to share your work with us. Send to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk.
I want to start sharing work on the website from this week.

Year 6 Maths Day 3

Long Division Day 3


Some parents had mentioned that the link for today’s maths (long division) was not working when they had tried to access it.. we apologise for this.

I have attached the work to this post so that you should all be able to access it now.

If you have any further problems, please email njs.year@taw.org.uk

Mr J

Home learning 8.1.2021

Hello Year 6!

We hope you are getting used to the new way of learning. Tomorrow you have an English, Maths, Reading prediction and Topic lesson to do.

The live lesson is introducing the new topic of the Tudors to you, see you there!

Remember there is also a member of the year 6 teaching team on the year group email if you need help.  NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

English lesson

Lesson 3 08.01.21

Maths lesson slides 13 – 16

Wk 1 Maths

Reading prediction
To make a prediction 08.01.21

Topic lesson

Lesson 1 Timeline

Year 6 Home Learning 07.01.21

Hello Y6!
We hope you managed well with the work for Wednesday. We are sure you’ve done very well! Don’t forget to send examples of work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk and get some well deserved feedback.

Today’s work is as follows:

Literacy is your online lesson today.
6J is at 9am
6S is at 10am
6K is at 11am

Resources for Literacy lesson: Lesson 2 07.01.21
lesson 2 skills

Maths – refer to slides 7-12 only
Wk 1 Maths

Beliefs and Values lesson on Wise Men B&V 1

Reading is a reading comprehension based on one of our courageous advocates Nelson Mandela. Answers are provided for parents.
Year-5-6-Reading-Comprehension Nelson Mandela

Have a good day all!

Year 6 Home Learning 6.1.21

Welcome back Y6, albeit not the New Year nor new term we expected.  We sincerely hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas break!

Home Learning will be posted online daily and one lesson will be delivered online by one of the three Y6 teachers.  Today’s lesson is being done by Mr Jones.

All completed work and work related questions can be directed to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

Any individual questions regarding your child can be directed towards class teachers:




Today’s home learning is as follows:

Literacy – identifying genre features

UNANNOTATED – Diary entry

Lesson 1 06.01.21

Maths – multiplication –  recap of skills

Maths Wk 1

Reading – book review of something read over the Christmas holidays.

To write a book review 06.01.21

Wellbeing – complete the gratitude heart.

gratitude heart

Children are expected to complete work in home learning books provided before the Christmas break.  If anyone should require a new book please contact the school office and we will arrange for an alternative book to be placed in the drop box at the school gate.  Please encourage your child to keep their book tidy and present work to a high standard.

Take care of yourself!

Year 6 team x

Yr6 spelling homework

Read at least 3 times (per week) and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

achieve bargain
criticise dictionary
especially frequently
guarantee hindrance
interfere lightning

Y6 spelling homework

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions(preferably in their own words) in your homework book.

question regular
remember straight
ancient bruise
category definite
embarrass foreign

Y6 spelling homework

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

favourite grammar
knowledge mention
natural occasionally
opposite particular
peculiar possession