Home Learning 14.01.21

Let’s keep up with the wonderful work you are doing this week Y6.

Literacy is an editing lesson Lesson 7 14.01.21

Maths is problem solving Wk 2 Maths day 4
This is today’s online lesson
6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 11am

Reading is a follow up task based on Mrs Kerr’s reading of the book. You may want to re-watch this before writing the diary.
Lost Diaries lesson 2 activity

Beliefs & Values lesson 2 BV II Betrayal

Today’s wellbeing theme is Thankful Thursday Thankful-Thursday

Keep sending your work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk
Have a good day!

Home learning 13.1.21

Hello Year 6,

Hopefully technology will be on our side tomorrow.

Live lessons will be the reading activity. It would be great to see you all there.

6S at 9am

6K at 10am

6J at 11 am

The reading link is available if you want to hear the passage again.


Lesson 6 13.01.21


Wk 2 Maths day 3


Portrait Drawing lesson 1

Wellbeing today is wishes Wednesday.


Remember to keep sending in your work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

Home Learning 12.01.21

Hello Y6!

Your online lesson is Literacy today. The order for classes is 6K at 9am, 6J at 10am and 6S at 11am.
Lesson 5 12.01.21

Maths wk 2 maths day 2

Reading is the follow up task for the reading video
Lost Diaries lesson 1 questions and task
You may need to have video to hand to support answering questions.

History lesson 2 lesson2 Battle of Bosworth

Wellbeing for today is ‘Thoughtful Tuesday’ Try to find some down time to be mindful and consider how you feel Thoughtful-Tuesday-1

Have a good day everyone!
Remember to send your work to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk

NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

Home Learning 11.01.21

Hello Y6 I hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend!

Learning this week is as follows:

Literacy – continuing with skills learned from last week Lesson 4 11.01.21

Reading – an introduction to the Y6 book – watch the link

Reading tasks will be set using the video so please let us know if you are having problems accessing the clip!

Science is the online lesson
lesson1 What do I already know about light

6J at 9am
6S at 10am
6K at 11am

Try to be on time for online lessons and start on mute please.

Maths is revising adding and subtracting fractions
Wk 2 Maths day 1

As reading is quite brief today, I would like you to focus on wellbeing. Look at how to remain calm and mindful but complete the Mighty Monday challenge.
Wellbeing and mindfulness support at home for week

I hope you have a great week!
Remember to share your work with us. Send to NJS.Year6@taw.org.uk.
I want to start sharing work on the website from this week.