Fiction Express – ‘Takeover’ now over!

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all parents who have helped their children to access Fiction Express story ‘Takeover’, over the past five weeks or so, and congratulations to those children in Year 3 who managed to finish the whole book, ‘Takeover’ – you know who you are! (only two children from 3B managed this!). Don’t forget – you can still access the book at any time.

The next book I would like Year 3 to start reading is called ‘The Pampered Prince’ and the first chapter is released next week, on Friday 24th April. Children will then have until Tuesday 21st April, 4pm, to vote for their choice of what happens in the next chapter. Between now and then, why not try one of the other 100 or so books available on Fiction Express?

Please continue to try and read at home during this difficult time – remember, if you’re fed up with not being able to go out:

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”

                                                                                                          Jhumpa Lahiri

You could also catch up with Miss Hardy’s online reading via the NJS YouTube channel, with a new book, starting soon! Above all, keep reading!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Home Learning Task – Day 11 – 20th April 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you have enjoyed your ‘Easter break’ and that you are all safe and well.

Here is Mondayhome learning task (20th April 2020).

Remember Miss Watson is doing live maths teaching at 10am everyday next week – she hopes to see you!

Stay safe!

Thank you for your continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Day 11 Home School Provision Daily Pack

TTRS Battle of the Bands!

Dear 3B and 3P,

I have just set up a battle for you both, lasting 2 weeks from today. Get playing!


Mr B