4NJ’s Home Learning for Friday 11th December

Hi 4NJ!

How are you all? This week has flown by and I can’t believe it is Friday already. You are all doing a superb job with your home learning so keep up the wonderful work. Your snowflakes looked brilliant by the way and I am looking forward to making Christmas cards with you today.

A huge well done to Ella Burchell and Quinten Bennison Van-Buul for your amazing Christmas Garden Craft which I would like to share with you too. It looks amazing and you have done an excellent job! 🙂

Ella Burchell’s Christmas Garden Craft

Quinten’s Christmas Garden Craft

Friday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 11th of December

Friday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 11th of December

4NJ’s Home Learning for Thursday 10th of December

Hi 4NJ!

I hope you are all well and feeling happy and excited ready for the countdown to Christmas. I am counting down one more week until we can all be together as a class before Christmas. You are all doing a superb job and keep up the wonderful work.

I would just like to share a huge thanks to Emily Wilmot and Thomas Clewes for sending me their wonderful ‘Christmas Garden Scavenger Hunt’ work which I would like to share with you. 🙂

I would also like to mention Christmas cards. If you have any cards you would like to post to other members of year 4, please could you ask your parents to place your cards in a sealed bag and pop them into the drop box and Mrs Moody will be happy to distribute them to your friends. If that could be done before Friday, we would very much appreciate that.

See you tomorrow on Teams 4NJ X 🙂

Emily Wilmot Christmas Garden Scavenger Hunt

Thomas Clewes Christmas Tree Art

Thursday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 10th of December

Thursday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 10th of December

4NJ’s Christmas Garden Challenge

A massive congratulations to Leah Bodkin today. She has made a beautiful Christmas wreath in her garden this afternoon. Well done Leah 🙂

I will look forward to sharing some more photographs soon.

Keep up the fantastic work 4NJ 🙂

Leah’s Christmas Wreath

4NJ Craft Packs

Hello to all of the parents in 4NJ. I would just like to let you all know that your Christmas Craft Packs are available in the drop box ready for you to collect at your convenience ready for Thursday and Friday’s afternoon sessions.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂

4NJ Christmas Cards

PTA Christmas card orders have arrived in school.  Please email lynne.stanley@taw.org.uk to let us know what time you will collect and we will place them in the drop box for this time.

Thank you all.

4NJ’s Home Learning for Wednesday 9th of December

Hello 4NJ!

How are you all? I hope you are all feeling fabulous and getting excited about today. We have got lots to look forward to and I hope you enjoy your home learning tasks and watching the pantomime later.

Please feel free to send me any photographs you have taken focusing on your garden scavenger hunt that you did yesterday and we can share them on our website. I will look forward to seeing you on Teams for our lesson and assembly shortly.

Have a great day 4NJ 🙂

Wednesday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 9th of December

Wednesday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 9th of December

Wellbeing support for parents

We are always striving to support our families as best we can. The NHS have prepared some audio clips that can be used as wellbeing/emotional support for children and adults who are struggling to deal with a range of issues.

You may have children who are experiencing school closures due to bubbles closing, ill health or experiencing anxiety, these clips are designed to support calming down strategies.

NHS audio clips – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/moodzone-mental-wellbeing-audio-guides/

We hope this will provide some support at home.

4NJ’s Home Learning for Tuesday 8th December

Hello 4NJ! We hope you are all well and keeping busy at home.

I have a real treat for you today. Unfortunately, we were all supposed to visit the Deer park today, so I have planned a special Christmassy outdoor activity you can all participate in today. I would love to see what you create, so please e-mail me some pictures of what you have found in your gardens. I hope you enjoy this task.

I have also attached your home learning for today. Miss Branton has sent me a wonderful picture of some Christmas craft too, so feel free to have a go.

Finally, I would just like to remind you about Mr Rotherham’s Christmas challenge with regards to finding some excellent Christmas cracker jokes and researching the traditions of a Christmas Yule Log. If we could have those ready by Friday that would be brilliant.

Thank you for all your hard work 4NJ 🙂

4NJ’s Garden Task

4NJ’s Garden Task

Tuesday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 8th of December

Tuesday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 8th of December

Pasta Snowflakes

4NJ’s Home Learning For Monday 7th of December

Hello 4NJ! I hope you are all well and you have had a lovely weekend? Here is your home learning tasks for today. I hope you enjoy them and I will look forward to seeing you all at 9:30am on Microsoft Teams. Have a great day 🙂 Best wishes Mrs Jukes

Monday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 7th of December

Monday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 7th of December