Music in 4J!

In 4J, we have been looking at soundscapes for music. This includes using body parts in different ways to create a new sound. The children were able to use their hands and feet to create a storm like sound.

We hope you enjoy it!

Miss Jones x

Soundscape 4J

Art Shirts!

Good morning,

On Thursday, 4J and 4NJ will be using paints in an art lesson. Could all children please bring in a suitable art shirt for the lesson. This could be an old t-shirt or shirt that you don’t mind getting messy!

If some children don’t have a shirt, they will complete the activity without paint.

Happy Monday!

Miss Jones and Mrs Jukes


Art in 4J!

Today, the children took their pencil on a walk. They had to imagine they were walking around a park or in a city. They then were able to colour each section.

The only rule… they couldn’t take their pencil off the page! Have a look at a few examples below… 4J thinks one looks like a dinosaur!

Harvest Poem!

All of year 4 will be coming home with their Harvest Poem for this year! This one is called I hate Greens!! 

4S – Start the poem and the final two stanzas.

4NJ – Second and final two stanzas.

4J – Third stanza and the final two.

Here is a copy… 


This week in 4J…

Well 4J… what a week we have had! We have been busy in all areas of the curriculum!

In maths, we started the week looking at negative numbers and roman numerals. Those pesky Romans wanted to confused but we wouldn’t let them! We know the tricky numbers are 4, 40, 400, 9, 90 and 900!

In English, we started the week researching penguins or polar bears. This then led to the children looking at how valuable diagrams are (see below picture). The children ended the week with a non-chronological report (see below picture).

I wonder what we will get up to next week 4J?

Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Jones x

4S Aboriginal Art Work

To encourage us to relax and take some time to unwind 4S have created some watercolour aboriginal pictures.