5H WANTED posters

So impressed by the brilliant work this week for English! Our year five corridor looks absolutely fantastic. Well done everyone, we will have caught Frank and Jesse the notorious Garson twins in no time!

5H outdoor maths in the sun ☀️

We enjoyed the sunny weather yesterday by doing our maths lesson outside. Thanks Mr L for setting this up for us!

5H school council voting

A huge well done to those children who put themselves forwards for the school council today and made a speech to the class. They all did very well and we followed the speeches with a vote.

School Council Representatives for each class

Hi Year 5

If you would like to represent your class as a school council representative, please prepare a short speech to share with your class on Thursday or Friday. You will need to think about what you can bring to the role. The other students in the class will take part in a democratic vote to pick who will represent them.

All voted in school council representatives will be shared during a teams assembly on Friday afternoon.


Team Yr 5 x

Well done Jessica, Hollie and Darcy ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Well done girls for your football medals – one for taking part and one for reaching the cup final. Great stuff!!