6J Brain Gym

 After a full afternoon of writing 6J took part in some brain gym activities within class.  

6J PE: Circuit Training 

Today’s PE session was based around circuit training; we did shuttle runs, star jumps, press ups, basket throws, bean bag toss and bench step ups. 

6J Attendance Winners

This weeks winners of the attendance award are 6J! Well done to all of 6J for your determination in getting into school, keep it up! Enjoy your extra play time this week. 

6J Eid Lesson

Today Mr. Maqsood came into 6J to deliver a session on the Eid celebration, the children learned the principles of Eid, the rituals to follow and had a chance to ask many questions which Mr. Maqsood was able to answer.  


Factors and Multiples

Today in year 6 we have been working on our understanding and applying of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers through the game Factor Lines. image image image image

Year 3/4 Trip to Birmingham (2nd June 15)

Year 3/4 had a fantastic time on our trip to the city of Birmingham. We saw lots of new things and identified the main features of a city. we conducted traffic surveys, visited the museum, went inside the think tank and did lots of sight seeing. Here are a selection of photos from certain groups.
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