6K class assembly

Just a reminder, 6K class assembly is tomorrow at 3pm. Parents are welcome to attend to support the children.

PJ’s – Monday 7th October

Dear Parents/Guardians

Please accept my apologies for not being able to get this published before today. I’ve had some technical difficulties but it’s here now!

Here is the letter that went home on Thursday 3rd October regarding PJ’s and the sleep initiative being run by School Council.

Children are to wear PJ’s or comfy clothes (whatever they prefer) with outdoor shoes on Monday 7th. This is to support School Council in raising awareness for a good nights sleep.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Miss Watson and School Council

Sleep Letter

Year 3 Spellings and Hwk to be completed by 11.10.19

Dear parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 11.10.19

As usual, children need to aim to read every day (minimum 3x weekly) and fill in their reading diaries.

Extra reading = extra house points! Please help your child to learn their x2, x3, x5, and x10 tables. Children will be tested on these regularly. Can they count up in twos, threes, fives and tens? Can they say all of these tables aloud?

Minute Maths homework this week is to try to complete the Minute Maths number bond tests, to develop basic number fluency. Give your child 1 minute per column – if they don’t finish, put a line where they get up to in 1 minute, then support them to complete the calculations.  Can they reduce their time taken over the four tests?

Please mark your child’s answers. Thank you.

HOMEWORK TO BE COMPLETED BY 11.10.18 please (10.10.19 for class 3B)

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

5L tasting Japan

What an amazing morning!

It was a privilege to be invited to NGHS this morning to participate in a ‘taste of Japan’ day, one that 5L could not refuse. It was ran by Mr and Mr’s Fujii- Fuji Sensei- who shared their expert knowledge and taught us many things about Japanese culture. We learnt how to bow to say hello, introduce ourselves by poking our noses, safe ways to cross the road and how to protect ourselves during an earth quake.

There were many challenges including the attempt at mastering the correct use of chopsticks and taking great care to fold our own origami dogs. The morning finished off with a fantastic lesson in how to make sushi, where groups had the opportunity to choose the ingredients that would be rolled into sushi before Mr Lawson’s favourite part of  taste testing.

Myself, Mr Higgins and Mr Leonard were very impressed with the behaviour demonstrated during this trip. I am very happy to say 5L were brilliant representatives of NJS, showing excellent manners and keen attitudes.




For information: School currently has no power and our telephone lines are down.