Newport Show Competition Winners!

NJS were the best at Apple Bobbing! As a result we are the winners of two fantastic prizes. £100 to spend on sports equipment and then free fruit as a snack for the children for the month of September!

A big thank you to Jupiter Marketing Ltd, Newport for this wonderful prize.

Sensational science at BBS

Today we had the privilege of visiting Burton Borough School for the morning to learn some exciting new things in science.

We enjoyed some exciting rocket making before sending them off into the sky using the power of air. We learnt about acids and alkali’s by creating a fizzing rainbow. And we became alien detectives by analyzing blood samples to discover who wasn’t who they claimed to be.

What a great morning!

We all learnt loads, enjoyed ourselves and behaved impeccably. Well done year 5 it was great to see you fixated in your science.

From the year 5 team.

Stranger Danger

Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to make you aware that we have received information that a car was behaving suspiciously this morning at around 8.30 am on the junction between Audley Road and Audley Avenue. The car was a dark grey Renault Scenic with four males in it. The car was parked near the junction and moved on when they saw the adult looking at them. The police and local authority have been informed.
Please continue to be vigilant and remind your child about the rules for keeping safe.
If you see anything suspicious on the school run please make sure that you inform us and the relevant authorities.
Best Wishes