Year 4 Handwriting/Pencil Control Practise

Good Afternoon Year 4!

Hope you are having a lovely day and enjoying some time in the snow.

Please find below some handwriting/pencil control tasks if you would like to have a go!

Take Care


Year 4 Team

Week 4

NJS Big Sing Moana Workshop

Good afternoon everyone,

Here is this week’s virtual singing workshop. This is the first song of this year’s Big Sing and one that lots of you love – Moana! Here is the link to the unlisted Youtube workshop made especially for the Big Sing by TACT.

I would love to hear how you get on taking part in the workshop!

Have a lovely weekend and keep an eye out next week for the next song workshop…

Miss Hardy

Youtube link:

Big Sing 2021 Workshop 1 (How Far I’ll Go)

Home Learning – 22.01.21

Happy Friday Year 4!

Another week of great home learning and fantastic live lessons on TEAMS! Keep up the great work – we are proud of each and every one of you.

Please send your work to your teacher or – we love seeing what you get up to at home.

Friday 22nd January PDF

Friday 22nd January

Have a lovely weekend everyone… think about ways you can re-charge those batteries ready for next week!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Year 4 Shoebox Art Gallery Task

Hi Year 4!

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I would just like to share an art challenge that Ms Branton has suggested for you. It is to create your very own art gallery from an old shoebox or any type of small box you may have spare. This is a project you could do over a week or maybe two weeks? We hope you enjoy making it.

Best wishes Mrs Jukes and Ms Branton

Shoebox Art Gallery

Home Learning – 21.01.21

Good morning year 4,

What a week we have had so far? We are looking forward to welcoming back the key worker bubble tomorrow! We also look forward to our daily TEAMs sessions, I wonder what we will get up to today?

Keep up the great work with your home learning and enjoy finishing your myth today!

Thursday 21st January PDF

Thursday 21st January

The following links will support with the ‘Other’ task for today!

Florence Nightingale

Harriet Tubman power point

Greta Thunberg Information – You will only need to use the first 2 pages of this document.

Have a lovely day year 4!

The Year 4 Team x