Yr6 spelling homework

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading record to confirm.

Learn spellings. Complete detailed sentences and write definitions for each of the spelling words. Please encourage your child to write interesting sentences and encourage children to put definitions into their own words.

Spellings this week are the following:
calendar complete describe different women through strange probably sentence suppose

Y6 spelling homework due 22.10.20

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.
Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
business certain
enough February
forwards guide
naughty popular
strength various

Y6 spellings

Spelling homework is due Thursday 15th October

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.
Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

exercise experience
separate history
disappear possible
notice occasion
often reign

Encourage children to use spelling strategies:

Y6 spellings

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.
Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

caught centre
century heart
busy continue
decide minute
difficult consider

Can I please remind you about the spelling supports that were provided in week one to help with spelling strategies? Please use at home to support children who struggle to remember spelling patterns.

Y6 homework

Due Thursday 1st October 2020

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn spellings. Complete detailed sentences and write definitions for each word. To support definitions refer to Collins Cobuild Dictionary – this is an online resource as well as a paperback book.

Spellings are as follows:
actual learn
early group
heard circle
often build
eight eighth

Thank you Year 6 team

Y6 homework

Children in Y6 will receive weekly spellings and will be expected to maintain their reading record on a regular basis.

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences (try to encourage your child to write exciting sentences) and definitions in your homework book.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. This term we will focus on revisiting Year 3/4 spelling words. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
accident answer
address believe
actually bicycle
appear breath
arrive breathe

Spelling support sheet providing strategies

Thank you Y6 team

Home Learning – Project Week!

Hello Year 6!

Welcome to your final week as an NJS pupil. What a year it has been for you all and NJS as a whole. I hope that you enjoy this project as you start to think towards your move to secondary school in September. As all the days are on the same document, I won’t be uploading any more tasks for you.

I would love to see any of the tasks you complete this week… I’m intrigued to see what ideas you come up with! eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Have a lovely week everyone! All the best for the future… we hope to see you soon.

Week 7 Slides PDF

Week 7 Slides

As always, take care and keep smiling!

Miss Jones xx