Times Table Rock Stars – Battle of the Bands!

Image result for times table rock stars

The new battle of the bands is set to commence on Saturday 19th October at 12pm and will run through to completion on Thursday 24th October at 12pm with the results being announced in celebration assembly. The battle are shown below.

Boys in Year 3 v Girls in Year 3

Boys in Year 4 v Girls in Year 4

Boys in Year 5 v Girls in Year 5

Boys in Year 6 v Girls in Year 6.

Best of luck – get rocking!!

Y6 netball team

A reminder for netball tournament tomorrow.

We are leaving at 2pm and games start at 2.30pm. The tournament will finish at 5.30pm. Children need PE kits and trainers, as well as warm clothing for between matches. I highly recommend that children bring a water bottle and an extra healthy snack for energy – they have 4 games to play.

You may want to consider a waterproof in case it rains between matches also as games rarely get called off.

Thank you.

Global Avengers Session 2

At Global Avengers Club this week we looked at inequalities within education. We discussed some of the reasons why children can not access an education and what needed to happen to change this. The children then created a lock & key chain which represents barriers to break down in the majority world. We hope to present to a local MP later in the year.

If your child is interested in joining global avengers (Upper School only) then please speak to Mr J!

Netball Club

For all the children who expressed an interest in netball club thank you.

Netball club will start next Tuesday, 10th September, after school. It will be on the small yard and children need to be in outdoor P.E kit. I recommend that children have a water bottle and perhaps an extra healthy snack.

The club will finish at 4.30pm and parents can collect from the main yard. I will escort the children to you. If you feel you want to watch your children during the club you are more than welcome but you may need to wrap up.

I will need to select a team within the next few weeks so it is very important that children regularly attend.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Sherry

Newport Girls’ High School

Newport Girls’ High have asked us to notify you that applications for the test close imminently: if you intend on applying they encourage you to do it now.