Home Learning Tasks – Day 1

Dear Parents,

We hope you are all keeping safe!

We have planned some activities you could do with the children during these strange times!

Please remember you can supplement these activities with TTRS, reading and the half termly homework if you desire to.

For those who need access to the phonics reading books, please use the Read, Write, Inc link attached. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/

We will update the tasks daily.

Keep safe everyone!

Thank you for your continuing support

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Day 1 Home School Provision Daily Pack

Class 3B missing props!

Dear Parents,

Today we had a fab dressing up day, with some brilliant costumes!

Unfortunately, a  small black cloth drawstring bag, about the size of an apple or smaller, containing a Bilbo Baggins ring and an Arkenstone gem has gone missing.

If found, please return it to Mr Butler or Mrs Humphries, or the school office.

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler

Class 3B PE Friday 6th March

Dear Parents,

Children in 3B will be doing PE outside tomorrow.  Therefore, please ensure that they bring appropriate kit for the weather. They may need a sweatshirt and a pair of joggers to keep warm.

Recently, several children have not been bringing their PE kits on Fridays. This not only causes organisational difficulties for the teacher concerned, but also children are missing out on an important part of their education.

Please can I take this opportunity to remind you to ensure your children can gain full access to their curriculum and bring their PE kits tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & Mrs Humphries


Year 3 Roman Day Monday 30th March

Dear Parents,

Children in year 3 should have come home with the following letter by now, about our Roman Day celebrations. This is a fun, activity-packed day in school, delivered by a visiting speaker, ‘The History Man’ (see letter attached for details).

Roman Day Letter History man 2020

Please return the reply slip no later than Friday 20th March.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and Homework until 3.4.20

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the spellings and homework for children to complete by Friday 3rd April 2020.

Homework for Spring 2

Children have been told which spelling group to focus on (set 1 or 2).

Please contact us if you need further clarification.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

3W Class Assembly – Friday 6th March 2:50pm

Dear Parents,

You will find this letter in the bottom of school bags!

Please could you support your child at home to learn their lines and the songs to ensure our performance is the best it can be!

With regard to costumes, please could you send your child in with their World Book Day costume on Friday morning (6th March) in a bag with their name on please.

We will aim to start the performance at 2:50 and should be about 20 minutes long as we know many of the children have brothers and sisters who need collecting from other schools.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask either by homelink diary or by seeing me on the playground.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Miss Watson

3W Class Assembly 2020 Letter

Year 3 Swimming reminder and Church visit

Dear Parents,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, all of Year 3 will be swimming. Please ensure your child brings appropriate swimming kit and a towel.

Also, as part of our work on Beliefs and Values, Year 3 will be visiting St Nicholas Church in Newport tomorrow morning. This visit will take place during the school day, therefore please bring your child to school as normal in the morning. We will walk them to church after registration in school, and they will return by 10:30am.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 PE, Spellings and Homework

Dear Parents,

This half term, there will be no spellings to learn for the first week back – however, please continue to encourage your children to complete their Roman shield homework. These are due for completion on Friday 28th February.

Children should also continue to play Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) as often as possible. Currently, all the Year 3 classes are in battles with other year groups, so we need those points!

PE News – Year 3 will be Swimming next half term, on Tuesdays. Please ensure your child has the correct kit on these days. If your child is taking part in non-swimmers club (invitation only), this runs throughout the year, so they should bring their kit on their allocated day, even if their PE is not ‘Swimming’.

Have a restful half term.

Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team