Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 22.11.19

Dear parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 22.11.19

Homework this week will be to keep up the reading and learning 6x and 7x times tables skills, using TTRS, for a test next Friday (Thursday for 3B). For homework this week, children should try to find out and record some information about Emmeline Pankhurst, who is class 3B’s ‘Courageous Advocate’ for this term and record a paragraph or some sentences about her in their orange homework books. Children could find out who she was, when she lived, what she did and why, and the effects of her courage on the world and how it makes them feel / how she inspires them. Over the year, we will be finding out about other famous ‘courageous advocates’, who stood up for their beliefs in some way or another.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and homework

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 8.11.19

Children should continue to read at home and fill in their diary. They need to practice their 6x tables and spellings for a test on Friday 8th November (Thursday 7th for 3B). Children should also continue to practice their 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and 10x tables, using TTRS and the Studio / Garage section of the program.

For the next three weeks, we would like the children to work on producing a poster about Stonehenge. This can include a picture of Stonehenge, some explanation about the types of stones, how and when it was built and what people think it was used for, plus any other interesting facts that you find out. Please make them beautiful and well-presented, so we can display them! The posters may be hand-crafted or produced on computer, and are due in on Friday 15th November.

We would like to thank you for helping us to get your children settled in this half term, and we wish you a safe and happy half-term holiday!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Class 3B class assembly costumes

Dear parents of 3B

Children should be aware of costumes by now. For any children with no specific costume requirements/roles, simple, dark-coloured clothing top and bottom will do. If not, then normal mufti will suffice. Please don’t make any special efforts, and don’t worry!
Thank you for your support,


Mr Butler

Class 3B Assembly Thursday 24th October 2:50pm

Dear Parents and Carers of Class 3B,

Please help your child to practice the poems and lines they have to say on Thursday during their class assembly. They should have their scripts at home or in their bags!

Please treat this as a priority over their other homework for this week (spellings and tables excepted).

Thank you,

Mr Butler