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Home Learning – 13.01.21

Good afternoon Year 4!

We hope that you are having a lovely week so far! We are half way through the week already – keep up the fantastic work you are producing at home and on TEAMS.

Please find your home learning below! – send any work to this e-mail address 🙂

Wednesday 13th January PDF

Wednesday 13th January

Stay safe everyone,

The Year 4 Team


NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

Home Learning – 11.01.21

Happy Sunday Year 4!

We hope that you have all had a lovely weekend! Please find your home learning for Monday below… we will see you on TEAMS 🙂

Monday 11th January PDF

Monday 11th January

As always, please do send any e-mails to your class teacher or

Stay safe and keep smiling year 4,

Miss J, Mrs J, Mrs K and Mrs S


Home Learning – 08.01.21

Hello year 4!

What a week it has been! We are so proud of you all and are really enjoying our Teams sessions. Keep up the fantastic work and remember to send it to your teacher or

Please find the home learning below for Friday…

Friday 8th January PDF

Friday 8th January

Have a brilliant weekend and keep smiling!

The Year 4 Team x


Year 4 Home Learning 07.01.21

Hello year 4,

What a great start to your home learning! We have had some fantastic work sent to us and can see the effort you are putting into your learning – keep it up!
Please find the home learning for Thursday below…

Any questions or work please send to

Keep smiling,

Year 4 team

Thursday 7th January PDF

Viking Gods Worksheet

Home Learning – 06.01.21

Hello Year 4!

Well… this was not the way we expected to start 2021 but we will remain positive! Please find your home learning below as a powerpoint and PDF. We cannot wait to see you on our TEAMS sessions to see what you got up to over Christmas.

Please note that we have a new e-mail address for you to send any work or questions to…. you will find this on the slides for each home learning! We will of course be available on our usual addresses.

Keep smiling year 4!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S xx

Wednesday 6th January PDF

Wednesday 6th January

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