Year 4 Extra Resources – Thursday 19th November

Good Morning

Below are some extra worksheets if your child is working at 1 Star or needs further support. We hope this helps. These have been compiled by the Teaching Assistants within the Year 4.

Many Thanks

Mrs Kuczynska




Year 4 Return to School

Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,

Firstly can I thank you all for your support during this period of isolation for the Year 4 staff and children: we are incredibly grateful to you for working with us in these tricky circumstances.

We really hope that we have supported you during this period: we have tried to ensure we support staff with ill health and personal circumstances alongside ensuring that the curriculum continues to progress for the children.  We aimed to achieve a blend of online and independent learning with a priority on pupil wellbeing and maintaining relationships.

If you feel able please can you complete the attached survey with any feedback for us.  We clearly hope to avoid further bubble closure at NJS but should this be necessary we will be able to use this feedback to review our approach.  We would be grateful if you would not mention staff or pupil names:

The Year 4 bubble will reopen on Friday and we are really looking forward to welcoming the children back into school on this date (20th November).

Please take some time to talk to your child about the return: reassure them that it is safe, that staff and friends are excited to see them and about the routines for attending school.

Your child should NOT return to school if they, or a member of the household, are symptomatic (cough, high temperature or loss of taste or smell).  Please notify school of the situation (01952 386600) and book a test online.  If the test result is negative your child will of course be able to return.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.

Mrs M

Marvellous Maths!

Well Done Marcy!! What a lovely photo of you enjoying the Maths set this week 🙂 Keep up the good work.

4J – Lesson Model

Good morning 4J!

I am so sorry for the Internet issues we had on our lesson this morning. I have added a picture below to support any adding you may try today.

Your session tomorrow will be a P.E one with Mr L followed by a quick chat with myself.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Miss Jones 🙂

Year 4 Extra Resources – Wednesday 18th November

Good Morning

Below are some extra worksheets if your child is working at 1 Star or needs further support. We hope this helps. These have been compiled by the Teaching Assistants within the Year 4.

Many Thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

T-L-4196-I-Can-Read-Words-Using-Phase-3-Vowel-Graphemes-Words-Activity-Sheet_ver_4 Maths place value


4NJ’s French number work

Good morning to all our year 4 children! I hope you are all well this morning 🙂 We are all very excited to see you on Friday. Today 4NJ are revising their knowledge of numbers up to 20 in French. I will pop on a PowerPoint for you to look at. There is a bingo template on there so you could play French bingo with your family if you like. I will also include a work sheet too.

Merci bien et bonne journee 🙂

French Numbers to Twenty activity

French Numbers PowerPoint

French Numbers PowerPoint