Well done Year 4!

We just wanted to say a well done to everyone in year 4 for this week! We are proud of each and everyone of you! Thank you for joining the teams sessions that have been put on! We would like to say thank you for being so understanding when we’ve had any technology issues… fingers crossed for less of them next week!

Home learning for Monday will be online on Sunday!

Have a relaxing weekend year 4!

Miss J, Mrs J, Mrs K and Mrs S


Celebrating Children in Need in Year 4

Good morning children. Happy Friday and Happy Children in Need Day too!

We would just like to provide you with some additional Children in Need activities for you to participate in from home.

There is a PowerPoint for you to look at and read, a fact-file and some questions, an addition and subtraction code breaker activity and a colour by calculation task focusing on multiplication and division facts.

Enjoy and have a great day. Kindest regards Mrs Jukes and the Year 4 Team 🙂

BBC Children in Need Presentation

BBC Children in Need Presentation

Children in Need Colour By Calculation – Multiplication Facts

Children in Need Year 4 Codebreaker

LKS2 The History of BBC Children in Need – Questions and Answers

The History of BBC Children in Need – Fact File

Children in Need

It is mufti in school tomorrow for Children in Need: you can partake at home, maybe consider how you could show your support for the cause…. perhaps wear something spotty?!

Maybe you could join the Joe Wickes PE Challenge: https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ebn84f/live/cg3g9r

If you do something to mark Children in Need and would like your photo on our website please send it to nicola.moody@taw.org.uk

ParentMail: Message for isolating children

We are sending invitations to Teams Meetings via ParentMail in order to support online security.  IF you are struggling to access your ParentMail please email me: nicola.moody@taw.org.uk identifying the name of your child and class and I will email the link to you.

No one needs to miss a Teams Meeting: each evening on the website we will confirm times for meetings: if you haven’t got the link email me and I will ensure you have it.

Thank you for your support.