Excellent work in Year 4!

This week, we have been reading the story of Ernest Shackleton and his crew! The children have loved learning about how ‘Endurance’ faced many challenges as they tried to cross 1800 miles over Antarctica.

Today, the children all became members of the crew and completed a diary entry. Below you will find a couple of examples from children in 4J.

Keep up the great work Year 4!


Hello year 4!

We are going to ease the children back into school by starting homework with reading and TTRS.

Every week we would like your child to read at least 3 times to an adult. We will be looking at comments and offering house points for every read.

Alongside this, they will be set weekly TTRS homework. They will need to complete 3 games of soundcheck. These will go live on a Saturday morning and will finish the following Friday morning. We will again be offering house points for every game played!

We will hopefully begin more homework in the next few weeks.

Have a lovely weekend! We are looking forward to seeing how much reading and TTRS the children get up to before next week.

The Year 4 team!

4S poetry

Hello all,

We have been having a great time in 4S this week, including writing some fabulous poems which we would like to share with you.

This is only a small selection but we have displayed them all in the corridor for the rest of the school to enjoy too.

Hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Sisson.







4J – Memory Chain!

Good afternoon 4J,

In 4J we were talking about our memories through lock down and in year 3. We decided to make a paper chain of our new memories since starting year 4. Hopefully, we will be able to add to this over the year!

Miss Jones x

P.E Kit Reminder for 4S

Hi 4S

I really enjoyed our first full day together today. I hope you did too 🙂

Please could you remember to have your P.E Kit in school tomorrow. I am hoping we can get out to do some games tomorrow.

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska 🙂 xxx


Hello Year 4!

Please could you send your child with their P.E kit in on a Monday. They can then be taken home at the end of the week to be washed.

All children will be given their TTRS log in and password. We will be starting to set homework on TTRS in the next few weeks. Until then, any time on the app will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team!

Contact E-mails!

Hello Parents and Carers of year 4 children.

Should you have an enquires or questions over the year please find your teacher’s e-mail below.

If your child is in 4J:  Eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

If your child is in 4NJ: Natalie.jukes@taw.org.uk

If your child is in 4S: caroline.sisson@taw.org.uk or jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk

We will try and get back to any e-mails as quickly as possible. Please bear with us if you contact us within an evening or a weekend.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team!

What a first week!

What a first week back we have had in 4J! It has been so lovely to finally meet all of 4J… I am very proud of how they have settled into school. I hope that they have all enjoyed coming back to school! We have had lots of PSHE sessions this week to discuss our feelings about returning to school. All of the discussions were well thought and grown up.

We have also started Maths and English lessons to get back into the swing of things. They were place value wizards in maths and you’ll see the beautiful handwriting below.

I wonder what we will get up to next week?

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Jones xx


Year 4 home learning

Today I am very sad as it is the last day of term but I’m sure you have loads of fun over the Summer. Don’t forget to share with us when you come back in September. I know we will no longer be your teachers but we still like to keep up to date!

Thank you for working so hard on your home learning.

Remember you can still send us anything  to me you think I may be interested in.

