Year 3 English Experts!

Super efforts from Year 3, who were tasked with writing a piece about their choice for a class mascot.

This piece is by Ella – very persuasive!

And these are from a Top Trumps challenge where children had to create a Climate / recycling / environmental character from junk / recycled items.

Well done to Charlotte, who created this:

And super try from her sister, Georgia, who made this:

Great work all of you. Keep trying hard.


Mr B

Year 3 Science work Superstars!

Well done to all the children below, for their excellent efforts at home, producing some really thoughtful, detailed flower diagrams for Science.

Well done Ella for this flower drawing – great colour detail in the head of the flower!

Great work Harry – some super detail in your explanations and nice use of a real flower!

Very precise drawing here from Marcy:

And finally, a great drawing with super labelling and explanation from Alex:

Well done, and keep trying hard!


Mr B.

Beliefs & Values – Creation Challenge

Mr J would love for you to have a go at our Beliefs & Values creation challenge.


This art challenge has been created by Lichfield Diocese and is based all around the creation of the Earth. Follow the links on the word document for more information.

There are lots of activities for you to try out, I really like the paper plate idea and would love you to have a go at creating your own!

Please email any pictures of your work to me to take a look at:

Stay safe,

Mr J