Yr 6 Sports Day Reminder

A reminder for children that our Sports Day will be taking place on Thursday morning. Please come to school dressed in PE kit to ensure we can start on time.

PE kit should be a t-shirt in the colour of your house team. Football kits are not classed as appropriate PE kit.

Children are really looking forward to competing in front of their families for the final time at NJS.

3PW reminders WC 24.6.24

Monday: Mrs P all day. SPORTS DAY! Come to school in PE kit including a house colour t shirt if possible. Remember suncream/hats/sunglasses if appropriate on the day. Families welcome from 1.30pm.

Tuesday: Mr Humphries AM, Mrs P PM. Swimming today! (swapped to today just for this week)

Wednesday: Mrs P AM, Mrs W PM. Session with Shropshire Cricket (please ensure that PE kit is in school today for this!)

Thursday: Mrs W all day. Summer Fair 2-3pm. You are welcome to collect your children and visit the fair together. If not, children can bring some spending money and visit the fair with a friend and be collected at usual hometime. We would really appreciate some donations ahead of the fair today, see Mr R’s poster!

Friday: Mrs W all day.

Well done for a brilliant week everyone, have a lovely sunny weekend! xxx