Y6 Home Learning 18th May

Here’s to another week of home learning. This week there is an emphasis on a range of writing skills for Literacy. I’d love to read some of your work so please email me some of it. Send to lynne.sherry@taw.org.uk

Have a good week everyone!

Monday slides

Well done …Xander!

Well done Xander – a fantastic roller coaster design! Definitely one for the thrill seekers! Miss Sherry would love it!

Y6 Hoodies

This is a gentle reminder that Monday is the last day to get information regarding size and name for Y6 hoodies.

Please email class teachers with information:




Many thanks,

Year 6 team

Beliefs & Values – Creation Challenge

Mr J would love for you to have a go at our Beliefs & Values creation challenge.


This art challenge has been created by Lichfield Diocese and is based all around the creation of the Earth. Follow the links on the word document for more information.

There are lots of activities for you to try out, I really like the paper plate idea and would love you to have a go at creating your own!

Please email any pictures of your work to me to take a look at: max.jones9@taw.org.uk

Stay safe,

Mr J

Year 6 Home learning and Leavers Hoodies


Home learning for Friday 15th May. Today is the international day of families so your other task is based around that.

friday slides

Last reminder for the leavers hoodies – Thank you to those who have replied. Staff will be forwarding the class hoodie sizes and names first thing Monday morning. If you have not yet sent your details to the class teacher please do so before Monday.




URGENT letter to Year 6 Parents

Year 6 letter to parents URGENT

Year 6 parents and carers please see the attached letter.

PLEASE NOTE: We respect that parents and carers need further clarity on the detail of a potential return to school; we too are awaiting this and completely appreciate the frustration.  In order to plan we are just asking for an indicator of intent so we can look at the numbers we may be required to accommodate.  We appreciate support and understanding from those who have politely responded.

Seb’s descriptive writing

Seb was produced this wonderful piece of writing. Well done Seb, this is fab!

Year 6 Home Learning Thursday 14th

Your home learning for Thursday. How are your roller coaster designs coming along?

Thank you to everyone who has responded to the PTA hoodie post. Those who haven’t, we need the required size and name before Monday please.

thursday slides