Year 3 Fiction Express new story today!

Dear Children of Year 3,

Check out the new Fiction Express story today! The one we would like you to read is called ‘The Pampered Prince’, and is available at Level 1 and Level 1 Lite. Here is the login link:

Than click on the ‘Books’ tab.

Read and then try the online quiz. The vote for the next chapter closes on Tuesday at 4pm.  Enjoy!

Remember – Keep on READING – even if you read different books, or comics, magazines, newspapers, fiction or non-fiction – it doesn’t matter – the important thing is to carry on doing it!


Mr Butler, Miss Watson & Mr Parker.

Fiction Express – ‘Takeover’ now over!

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all parents who have helped their children to access Fiction Express story ‘Takeover’, over the past five weeks or so, and congratulations to those children in Year 3 who managed to finish the whole book, ‘Takeover’ – you know who you are! (only two children from 3B managed this!). Don’t forget – you can still access the book at any time.

The next book I would like Year 3 to start reading is called ‘The Pampered Prince’ and the first chapter is released next week, on Friday 24th April. Children will then have until Tuesday 21st April, 4pm, to vote for their choice of what happens in the next chapter. Between now and then, why not try one of the other 100 or so books available on Fiction Express?

Please continue to try and read at home during this difficult time – remember, if you’re fed up with not being able to go out:

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”

                                                                                                          Jhumpa Lahiri

You could also catch up with Miss Hardy’s online reading via the NJS YouTube channel, with a new book, starting soon! Above all, keep reading!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

Remember to vote!

Dear Year 3 Children and Parents,

Hopefully you are all well and getting used to some sort of routine now. I thought I’d check in with you all to remind children that they must try to remember to read the next chapter of ‘Takeover’ on the Fiction Express website. The children all received a letter explaining what to do, with logon details.

Just in case you missed the letter, each Friday, a new chapter is released and children have until Tuesday to read online and decide what happens next, through an online vote. Bear in mind too, that Fiction Express has loads of differentiated stories to read, which the children can access, and if you are registered with your local library, most of them allow access of some sort to online books and daily newspapers for free.

I can see which children have logged in and done their reading on this site and I’d like to say well done to those who have kept up with this!

Anyway, please email the school if you are having problems logging in.

Here is the link address:

Here is a version you can click on to take you to the site:

Log in | Fiction Express

Here at the Butler household we are doing Joe Wicks every weekday, and trying to do all those jobs we have been putting off for ages, along with school work, reading, and chores (and a little bit of relaxing too!)

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & the Year 3 Team



Class 3B missing props!

Dear Parents,

Today we had a fab dressing up day, with some brilliant costumes!

Unfortunately, a  small black cloth drawstring bag, about the size of an apple or smaller, containing a Bilbo Baggins ring and an Arkenstone gem has gone missing.

If found, please return it to Mr Butler or Mrs Humphries, or the school office.

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler

Class 3B PE Friday 6th March

Dear Parents,

Children in 3B will be doing PE outside tomorrow.  Therefore, please ensure that they bring appropriate kit for the weather. They may need a sweatshirt and a pair of joggers to keep warm.

Recently, several children have not been bringing their PE kits on Fridays. This not only causes organisational difficulties for the teacher concerned, but also children are missing out on an important part of their education.

Please can I take this opportunity to remind you to ensure your children can gain full access to their curriculum and bring their PE kits tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler & Mrs Humphries


Year 3 Roman Day Monday 30th March

Dear Parents,

Children in year 3 should have come home with the following letter by now, about our Roman Day celebrations. This is a fun, activity-packed day in school, delivered by a visiting speaker, ‘The History Man’ (see letter attached for details).

Roman Day Letter History man 2020

Please return the reply slip no later than Friday 20th March.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.