Use of Microsoft Teams

Your children were excellent today: they logged in on mute and contributed really well to the session.

Please can we ask that the children do not use the chat function until they are asked to or until the end of the meeting if they want to communicate with each other.  It is quite distracting for children during the meeting and also covers some of the functions on the screen.  Please also remind your children that everyone can see what they are writing.

We hope you understand,

Thank you

Thank you so much to all of our parents and carers who are being so supportive of our staff at this time.  They are working hard in the most difficult of circumstances and knowing they have your support makes a difference to them.

We know isolation of children presents families with challenges and we are thinking of you all, hoping to help as best we can over the coming days.

The most important thing is everyone remains healthy and well; take care.

Acceptable Use

To our self isolating Year 4 and 5 families..

We all had our first ‘go’ at Microsoft Teams today and it went really well (especially once I had sorted my technology out!).  Today was teaching the children the skills to log in, mute, unmute and use the chat (they definitely mastered the chat!).  Thank you so much to the staff for their commitment to this.

As we use this tool more and more over the coming days please can we ask the following:

*children should always enter the meeting on mute

*children need to consider their background: ensure it doesn’t disclose any personal information about you as a family or an individual.

*please do not record or screen shot the meeting: it is a live meeting for the people who have permission to have access.

*please encourage your child to listen carefully to the direction given by the teacher during the meeting.

*ensure (now they know how to do it!) children use the chat function appropriately and not excessively as it can distract from the meeting content!

Thank you so much for your support as we grow confidence with remote learning at a challenging time for everyone.

The Last Polar Bear

Good afternoon year 4. A big thank you to Mr Rotherham for reading the lovely story of ‘The Last Polar Bear.’ Mr Rotherham has suggested that you could listen to the story and you could do the following activities if you wish:

You could design a map of the North Pole route from the cabin to Great Bear Ridge.

You could write a letter back home pretending to be the explorer or Roo the dog.

You could write what happens next, continue the story or

You  could write a poem called ‘The Last Polar Bear’   

We hope you enjoy the story and the above tasks.

Kindest regards the year 4 team 🙂