Home Learning – 06.01.21

Hello Year 4!

Well… this was not the way we expected to start 2021 but we will remain positive! Please find your home learning below as a powerpoint and PDF. We cannot wait to see you on our TEAMS sessions to see what you got up to over Christmas.

Please note that we have a new e-mail address for you to send any work or questions to…. you will find this on the slides for each home learning! We will of course be available on our usual addresses.

Keep smiling year 4!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S xx

Wednesday 6th January PDF

Wednesday 6th January

4S Performance!

Well done to 4S for a super Christmas performance!  The link has been ParentMailed to parents and carers.  If this has not been received please email myself or the class teacher.

4J Christmas Performance

4J I have ParentMailed the link to your performance today!  If you have not received this please email myself or Miss Jone stating the full name and class of your child.

Well done 4J, it’s fab-u-lous! x

4J – Art Part 2!

Hello again!

Continuing with our Henri Matisse work today, we completed a piece called ‘Dancer’. The children loved creating a silhouette! Here are some of the examples below…

4J – Art Part 1!

Good morning from 4J!

We’ve had a busy morning so far looking at the work of Henri Matisse – in particular his version of a coral reef.

Last week, we created an abstract version using tissue paper. Today, we are focusing on using pencils and coral shapes.

Year 4 Deer Park Trip

Good Evening Year 4

Here are some photos of our wonderful trip to the Deer Park earlier this week. I had a lovely day, and hope you did too.

Parents, the children were fab and we all really benefitted from the time out in the fresh air. One of the activities was to create some Christmas pictures with natural treasures they found through foraging. They were incredibly creative. Here are some photos below…

Have a lovely weekend,

Love Mrs Kuczynska



Hi 4NJ

I hope you are all well.

I am emailing following the announcement today that isolation as a contact has been reduced to 10 days. The Health Hub have confirmed this afternoon that this means your last day in isolation is Sunday and you may return to school on Monday.

Please only return to school if your child and the household remain symptom free.

Thank you so much for all of the support over the last week.

We hope to see you on Monday 4NJ!

Mrs M