Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Hello Year 4!

How are you all? We hope you are all well and having a good week? Did you enjoy your science task yesterday? If you have taken any pictures please could I kindly ask you to e-mail them to me and I will make a Pic-Collage of all your fabulous work at the end of the week.

My e-mail address is

Thank you.

Here is today’s home learning:

Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Yr 4 – Your turn….last call!!!


After the success of the staffs “Toilet Roll Challenge” and “The Grease Mega-Mix” Year 4 children it is over to you….

What I would like is NO MORE THAN 10 SECONDS of footage where you can show your friends having some fun during this lockdown time. I will collate them all – add some music and share with the NJS family so that all your friends in Year 4 can see you enjoying yourselves!

Parents – if you would like your child to take part in this please send your child’s footage to:  – emphasising in the subject Yr 4 footage.


Mr Moody x

Hello Year 4!

Hi Year 4,

We hope you are all well and staying safe at home and having fun too. Please watch my video to get some ideas for this week’s work and at the end of the week, feel free to e-mail me any photographs or pictures of your work. My e-mail address is

Thank you and kindest regards Mrs Jukes 🙂

Year 4 Home Learning Task for Monday 27th April

Hi Year 4,

 Here is you home learning task for today. The year 4 team hope you are all well and having fun at home. We hope you enjoy today’s learning. Remember you can take photographs of your work and e-mail them to me at the end of the week.

My e-mail address is

Home Learning Monday 27th April

4J Parents

As some of you may be aware, I have been contacting you to see how the children are and have a quick catch up. Please be assured that I will try to contact any that I have missed next week (Monday or Tuesday).

It has been wonderful speaking to so many of you and hearing about your exciting activities! Remember you can e-mail anything you wish to share.

Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe!

Miss J x